I hate that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you've been ripped away from your amazingly fantastic dream. Desperately, you try so hard to fall back to sleep so that you can continue on, like your waking up was you hitting the pause button on a movie. Only this never happens or if it does, it does not follow through with what was originally happening. It is such a disappointment!!!!! A complete let down. This is what happened to me this morning. I was having this incredible dream and to tell you the truth, I have no idea what was going on even now. But it was one of those dreams that I would have given anything to get back to. So when the alarm went off I mumbled 'snooze?' to my husband and then tried to get back to sleep quickly enough that I could slip back into my dream world. Didn't happen.
Stupid cellphone alarms waking me up!!!
Stupid cellphone alarms waking me up!!!
Grrrr I hate that too!