Monday, May 17, 2010

The hell that is bra shopping

I was in the "big" city yesterday visiting a good friend and her beautiful family and I thought while I was there I should finally get myself some new bras. There is nothing worse in this world than bra shopping!!!! I rather despise shopping of any sort that involves a change room, but bras are in a category all of their own. I don't understand why it is that the sizes have to be so different between all the different brands. It is SO frustrating. I hate trying them on because it almost feels like a work out. Go in, take of your shirt and your bra, try to get the new one set up so that it will go on. Very time consuming. It helps when you can take enough in that you don't have to keep getting undressed and re-dressed again, but it doesn't always work out that way. So what felt like my 10th trip to the change room I figured I might as well take some clothes in with me too and that just added insult to injury. I hate mirrors in dressing rooms that actually tell the 'real' story. While it's nice to know how you 'really' look and haven't been slimmed down, there's nothing worse than leaving the dressing room feeling 10 times worse about yourself than before you went in. So nothing I found looked good and it was a terrible experience, just like it always is. But it wasn't ALL bad. Once I finally decided I would just buy myself the same nursing bra that I already have, to tie me over until I loose some of my personal baggage, I went to find my size. While looking on the racks I stumbled upon an amazing deal!! On the bottom were 3 boxes that had been marked down. Why they were like that, I have no idea. But they were and low and behold, 1 of the 3 was MY size!!! Talk about fate!!! So a bra that would normally cost me $28 was marked down to $10 and when it went through at the till, it was really actually only $5!!! Talk about a great deal!!! Definitely perked me up some, that's for sure!!! Wish all my shopping trips could be like that!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bra shopping is a personal torture for myself as well! And my kids will also grow up hating it after accompanying me on many treks back and forth to the change room! Glad you found a deal after all that!
