Friday, June 18, 2010

Distinguished little gentleman :)

I am so happy!!!! I'm also slightly annoyed, but for the most part I am incredibly happy!!! Today we FINALLY got Spencer a pair of glasses. This is the part I'm happy about. The part that has me annoyed is that we were there over 2 weeks ago and could have ordered the same ones then, but for some reason we had to wait because they wanted to order some special ones in for us. So we waited, and waited and they came in. Well they were WAY too small and ugly and very babyish. Now I know what you're thinking, my son is a baby. But these were pretty much hideous. It's just frustrating that we could have possibly picked up his glasses today and had him wearing them instead of just ordering them. Oh well, such is life I guess!!! I am just so happy that we got them and hopefully 2 weeks from now we'll have them so that he can actually start wearing them.

Then the real challenge begins - keeping these glasses on him. Should be interesting!!!


  1. Awww! He looks very distinguished! I wondered how you might keep them on him... duct tape? xoxo

  2. LOL!!! Tape probably would be the best... :S
