Saturday, July 3, 2010

Through the looking glasses

I think I forgot to mention it, but my little guy got his glasses last week (it only took a week for them to get here instead of over 2) and so far it's been going pretty good. He wears them without any problems about 80% of the time. But then he'll go to rub his eyes or touch his face and remember that he's got these things on and he'll proceed to take them off. Problems tend to arise when he is sitting 'idle', so when he's in his highchair or in the car are the worst. I don't even tend to put them back on when we're in the car after he's taken them off because I can't regulate him and the last thing I want is for him to rip them off and then wreck them by scratching or breaking them. If there was more room in the back seat then one of us would sit back there with him and watch him like a hawk.
Anyways, on the whole it is going well and he looks SO cute with them on!!!!

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