Tuesday, July 13, 2010

scared jitter bug

I had one of those scary experiences this morning.
I had plans to go to town today to get the boy weighed and to run around looking for birthday gifts for my nephew and niece so that my mother-in-law could take them with her when she leaves for Alberta tomorrow. Well it turned out I didn't need to go, as my husband was going to go in my place, which was great, but I still needed to get some presents together. So I left the baby at home with my mom and I drove like mad down to the Cove to buy cards and tissue paper and a couple of books. Then I flew like mad on the way home only to pass my husband on the way. So I turned into the next driveway, which happened to be on a VERY dangerous corner, and then backed out as quickly as I could. Well it wasn't quick enough or maybe it was. But just as I was about to put the car into Drive, another car came flying around the corner (as most cars do) and luckily for me he was able to slow down enough not to hit me and I somehow took myself out of 'froze' mode and drove away as quickly as I could. I swear if I hadn't of started driving then he still would have bumped into me. I'm just so lucky that he actually saw me, because if he hadn't - he would have really hit me and it would have been HARD!!!!
I finally made it home, got everything together and was able to sit down and relax. Then it occurred to me - what if I'd had the baby with me?? What if I'd had the baby with me and he'd hit me? The impact would have been at the baby end of the car and even though the car seat is in the middle of the backseat, the end result would not have been good. Probably devastating in fact.
So now I'm just grateful that the baby wasn't with me and that I wasn't hit in the first place. But I'm still left feeling a little jittery about the whole thing. Scary scary scary.


  1. omg! I almost had an accident yesterday!
    A bee flew into my lap, in between my legs, while I was wearing a skirt, might I add. And I guess I sorta flipped a tad, and found myself careening towards a telephone pole. I only narrowly missed it.

    My kids were with me, screaming their guts out and then hyperventilating. Then they moved onto telling me (and anyone else they talked to) that I almost killed them.

    Now they won't stop talking about it.

    I'm glad that you're ok (and me too).

  2. Yikes!!! I don't blame you for almost hitting a pole, it's kinda freaky when a bee/wasp/or anything that can sting and hurt you flies into your lap (especially while wearing a skirt) and I probably would have done the same. I'm really glad that you and your kids are ok. Funny how they always seem to exaggerate things, ;)

  3. Glad you both are okay! Just stay home okay? xoxo
