I have actually been meaning to write about my MIL for quite some time now. More often than I would like, she does something to piss me off and it is frustrating. Usually it is just small stupid things, but it's the accumulative effect of all these small things that drives me crazy.
For example, she was over yesterday visiting at my Mom's house and my son was running around the house. The nightlight caught his eye and he wanted to check it out. I however didn't really want him playing with it because it doesn't sit properly in the outlet so I told him to leave it alone and come play with something else. Of course he doesn't listen to me so I keep trying to coax him to leave it alone. Now my MIL is standing right by him and is just watching him do this. You'd think that she would step in and take him away from it, especially since the reason I didn't want him near it was because it was a hazard but nope, she just kept on standing there and then proceeded to comment on how good he was the other day not touching things. Um hello, who cares about the other day, he's wanting to play with something that is NOT safe for fuck sakes, could you do something other than just stand there and stare??? I know I'm the Mom but she's the Grandma and was literally standing a foot and half away from him. So I stormed over, ripped the nightlight out of the wall and put one of those outlet plug things in so that he would leave it alone. Maybe not the best example, but she's a passive-aggressive control freak who thinks she knows best and has the answer to everything and when she asks questions about things it's a judgment or a criticism. Like I said, it's all the little things.
At least I know I'm not the only one who has trouble with their MIL...how do you get along with yours???